Homeopathic Approach to Asthma

Homeopathy for Post-Partum Depression
1 September 2020

Asthma is a chronic disease which involves the airways found in our lungs. Those who suffer from asthma, myself included, truly understand the struggles that come with it- fear of not knowing when the next attack will arise and the inevitable coughing fits we experience. There are many different types of asthma which exist which vary in occurrence, severity and age. There are many natural alternatives which can be used to help support lung health in those with asthma.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic illness which involves the airways inside the lungs. When someone has asthma, these airways become inflamed and cause difficulty in breathing. Above the inflamed airways, there is an increase in the amount of mucous produced in the lungs. There are many different types of asthma:

  1. Allergic Asthma: this type of asthma is triggered by various allergens such as pollen, dust, pet hair or air pollution from cars. Usually allergic asthma occurs in conjunction with conditions such as eczema or hay fever.
  2. Seasonal Asthma: this is asthma which occurs at specific times of the year, typically during change of season from winter to spring, or summer to autumn.
  3. Exercise- induced Asthma: this is asthma which is triggered when doing exercise.
  4. Adult onset Asthma: although asthma usually begins in early childhood, it is very common for it to begin later on in life when we are adults. Some causes of adult onset asthma include smoking, obesity, high levels of stress or as a result of various triggers in their occupation (ie. dust or chemicals).
  5. Childhood Asthma: as the name suggests, this is asthma which begins in early childhood and often times children tend to “grow out” of it in their later teenage years.

Symptoms of Asthma:

  1. Tight sensation in the chest which can occur with or without pain
  2. Wheezing when breathing out (particularly in children)
  3. Difficulty sleeping due to persistant coughing or shortness of breath
  4. Shortness of breath
  5. Coughing and wheezing attacks when infected with a virus such as influenza.

There are also different signs which can be observed by parents or other family members:

  1. Weakness
  2. Blue discolouration of the lips (severe asthma attack)
  3. Wheezing (a high pitched sound heard when the person is breathing out)
  4. Fast heart beat
  5. Use of neck and other muscles (known as accessory muscles) to breathe.

What Natural Options are Available to help with Asthma?

It is always incredibly important to deal with a qualified medical professional or homeopath before self-treating with various herbs or supplements. If asthma is left untreated or is treated incorrectly it can result in severe complications.

Certain herbs such as Andrographis, Viburnum and Ribes work wonderfully for the airways in our lungs and help to reduce inflammation and mucous production. If paired with homeopathic remedies such as Arsenicum album, Blatta orientalis, Ipecacuanha or Drosera there will be a lovely improvement in respiratory health.

Arsenicum album: a wonderful homeopathic remedy to use when there is increased anxiety, dry cough and allergies. Those needing this remedy will often describe everything as “burning”.

Blatta orientalis: wonderful remedy for an acute asthma attack with difficulty breathing.

Ipecacuanha: homeopathic remedy which works wonderfully for spasmodic coughing attacks, often accompanied by vomiting during a coughing fit.

Drosera: great to use in allergic asthma when there is a post-nasal drip and a sensation of tickling in the throat.