16 September 2020

Homeopathic Approach to Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease which involves the airways found in our lungs. Those who suffer from asthma, myself included, truly understand the struggles that come with it- fear of not knowing when the next attack will arise to the inevitable coughing fits we experience when it comes down to the change of season. There are many different types of asthma which exist which vary in occurrence, severity and age. There are many natural alternatives which can be used to help support the chest of those with asthma and keep things under control.
1 September 2020

Homeopathy for Post-Partum Depression

Most new mom's experience "baby blues" after giving birth, which is usually associated with anxiety, tearfulness and lack of sleep. However, in the case of some mom's a more severe and long-lasting depression known as "Post-partum depression" can occur which can leave the mother feeling helpless, exhausted and find it difficult to bond with her newborn. Homeopathic remedies are a safe and effective way to try reduce the symptoms associated with post-partum depression.
22 July 2020


Candida albicans is a fungus (or yeast) which naturally occurs in our digestive systems. When we are healthy and have the right balance of good gut […]
17 July 2020


Eczema, professionally referred to as Atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory condition of the skin which is usually associated with symptoms of dry, cracked and inflamed skin. Those who suffer from eczema typically describe their condition as frustrating because of the constant need to scratch and use various cortisone creams to help relieve their symptoms. There are many natural alternatives and homeopathic remedies available to reduce skin flare-ups and improve over-all skin and immune system health.
23 June 2020


Hormone imbalances in women is a rather common occurrence- especially given the lifestyle that the majority of us lead which includes high stress and trying to […]
9 June 2020


Arthritis is a condition which occurs as a result of the long-term wearing-down of a joint. Patients often describe their discomfort as exhausting and debilitating, and often speak about how their arthritis is stripping them of their independence. Some differences in symptoms exist (depending on which type of arthritis you have), however the most common symptoms include joint stiffness, pain and decreased range of motion. There are various natural alternatives available to help ease the pain and inflammation in those affected by arthritis. With the individualized treatment approach, treatment options range from bio-puncture to supplementation and homeopathic remedies.
27 May 2020


Constant sneezing, a blocked nose, facial pain and sinus headaches are some of the symptoms which those suffering from chronic sinusitis are all too familiar with. […]
13 May 2020


Depression has often been depicted as being a dark cloud hovering over a person’s head. But really, it is so much more than that. It has […]
5 May 2020


Homeopathy is not only wonderful in chronic physical or mental conditions, but is also fabulous to use in acute conditions. I've always had a homeopathy first aid kit handy for those times when you feel the sniffles coming on and need to take something quickly before getting in touch with your homeopath or general practitioner. Here are some of my favourite remedies to keep handy for those little emergencies.
29 April 2020

Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

Sciatica is a painful condition which results from inflammation and/or damage to the sciatic nerve. The pain can be characterized by an intense stabbing or electric sensation which travels down the glutes, down the back of the leg, into the calf muscle and eventually into the foot- particularly the pinky-toe. In severe and prolonged cases, there is eventually muscle weakness, loss of sensation and foot-drop.
21 April 2020

Tips on How to Beat Insomnia

I am sure that at some point or another we have all experienced the dreaded insomnia where no matter how many cups of chamomile tea, deep breathing exercises or pre-bed stretches you do you still lie wide-awake until the birds start chirping. There are various causes of insomnia ranging from stress and anxiety to physical hormonal imbalances.
15 April 2020

Taming ADDtitude Naturally!

I have a personal soft-spot for children with ADHD because I feel they possess a spark in them which many of us wish to have. They see things differently because they tend to be incredibly clever and creative. However, children with ADHD do have the tendency to be a little "extra" and their energy can verge towards becoming destructive and exhausting for both parents and teachers alike.